A nutritious lunch is served daily at 11:30 AM (please call 903-471-8674 for information about reservations). These are individual, pre-plated meals prepared by Meals on Wheels of Harrison County that meet all the nutritional guidelines established by the U.S. Government. Two (2) menu options are available; Menu A or Menu B. Menu A will never contain pork or fish. Side dishes are the same for both meals. The latest a meal can be ordered is 9:30 a.m. the day you wish to eat, as meals are ordered at that time. Breakfast is also available but must be ordered two days in advance.


A variety of games and activities are available daily. Activities at the center include arts and crafts, bridge, bible study, entertainment by various bands, bingo, and table games. Informational seminars such as legal, tax and benefits counseling are offered without charge.

Special Programs

Safe Driving Class offered by AARP every other month Birthdays/Anniversaries celebrated on the third Thursday of each month. TAF-Angels provides cake and ice cream. A Matter of Balance Day Trips to various locations / events in the Shreveport/Longview Metroplexes Better Living information Pet food, provided by Don't Forget 2 Feed Me, is distributed every two (2) weeks. Food is in gallon storage bags that weigh about 6 - 7 lbs and is no particular brand. Senior Medicare Patrol Scam Info Annual Resource Fair and Open House